Rafael Ancheta


Occasional Shared Writing

Current Portrait - Saturday, Jan 28th 2023

This article serves as a definition to put at ease those who require a definition, and those seeking origins on those who seek to impress upon others. To do this, I am using language as a way to communicate to others at disease. Before going further, this entry should be thought of as an image of myself at a point in time for those unaware of this concept. Generally, unless you have chosen to rock and not roll there exists a concept of movement, how one moves in relation to the road one is on. At the current moment my road is that of self improvement, knowledge, and has been so since time spent living and studying in a van some time ago, this personal idea has survived most other push and pull, additions withstanding. That being said to those reading this, I generally agree with the Clausewitz idea of, what is the motivation behind a release of writing, famously published after his death. Further than this I agree with the idea of the logical, artistic, physical and long standing philosophical reality of the consciousness we are all jointly inhabiting, especially in the age of the internet.

This is all that is needed for a definition of self, the rest of this is mostly a discourse to better gain a sense of who I am at the moment for those with curiosity or time. This will necessarily go over thoughts that cannot be thoroughly expressed within a definition. Effectively it provides a lens into my current thinking that others can use to gain insight, or a self portrait for the time being.

Before moving forward into a general view of my world I want to address the concept of intelligence with a quote from On War by Clausewitz,

"If a house takes fire, we must seek, above all things, to protect the right side of the house standing on the left, and, on the other hand, the left side of the house on the right; for if we, for example, should protect the left side of the house on the left, then the right side of the house lies to the right of the left, and consequently as the fire lies to the right of this side, and of the right side (for we have assumed that the house is situated to the left of the fire), therefore the right side is situated nearer to the fire than the left, and the right side of the house might catch fire if it was not protected before it came to the left, which is protected. Consequently, something might be burnt that is not protected, and that sooner than something else would be burnt, even if it was not protected; consequently we must let alone the latter and protect the former. In order to impress the thing on one's mind, we have only to note if the house is situated to the right of the fire, then it is the left side, and if the house is to the left it is the right side.

In order not to frighten the intelligent reader by such commonplaces, and to make the little good that there is distasteful by pouring water upon it..."

I generally agree with this idea of intelligence over other definitions, the entirety of the thing itself fairly incomprehensible, the first time it is read. I am bringing this up for the purpose of ensuring the rest of the thoughts here are fairly well put together for those stuck in reductionist thinking. Given that the popular video game Cyberpunk 2077 released the concepts of U & V fairly recently and widely this will act as an experienced filter for future open thought. Philosophically speaking, given the magic of numbers, limitations of perception, the inability to define consciousness, and the old idea of Plato's forms, an overall intelligence is necessary to comprehend the thought itself. This general questioning of reality has been in the air recently and people are becoming aware of these factors, general staff withstanding.

Further down from this idea of our perception lies the concept of this state of being and Order. For most people, Order is transferred into societies to uphold what is required, in an artistic and philosophical sense a Garden of Eden, to leave this set of order would only leave you under the light of the Sun. Multiple organizations, philosophies, bodies, charters throughout history have created houses of thought, love, family, friendship, story and hard definition in which to bind themselves, to make sense of their worlds, ideas and to create realities. To fully comprehend what is possible to do in culture, colony, lenses as well as the pure light of the Sun one needs to personally experience and theorize the possibilities of this given the human condition. Given the moldable nature of conscious reality understanding the truth here is a matter of intelligence. If a culture, writer defines the Sun as something other than my idea of the Sun am I able to comprehend the thought of what is being passed, what if someone calls it God, are they the same, what if someone is out here poisoning the definition, do I want to continue to try to comprehend this when I can just return to the house. Curiosity, time or interestingly complete chaos can move this along, especially considering the number of Walls and other conscious forms of thought that exist to keep a greater idea within a conscious body alive and moving.

Further on from these created bodies, cultures, are greater ideas. Higher ideals like God, Nation State, Free World, Empire, Man, Woman, Intelligence, Nobility, any thought that can realistically take over intelligence or staff. At the point at which you are pondering this however you may want to take a moment to test if you are completely insane given the number of conscious representations that exist fairly consistently throughout history.

Jointly with this is the lens of Greek classical arete where the ideas in which you are operating in start to manifest into the ground below, to hit hard reality. Trips to classic Greek museums are good at understanding this particular way of thinking. To some tools this is a bar that can be lifted. Intelligently, with the advent of nuclear war this thought process has for the most part been archived in its old physical form. It still exists and is important to view, however defining yourself as pure force of physical will has for the most part led to conclusions between civilized societies that this leads to stupidity in its greatest form. There are now limits to what you can define yourself as and push forward with given nuclear armament. Given the nature of war, and returning force within our nature, escalation here has proven a deterrent, to say this was ever intelligent is dubious.

I bring this up to provide a complete picture of my current thought process both from idea to more grounded thought, for those who may require it to be at ease.

Driving Factors and Opinions

I am traveling soon and it would seem I need to provide insight as stated in the first lines, intelligence to some is seen as a threat, worse may I find myself in pour wars. For those concerned with the maintence of thought, this entry is in a fairly offbeat corner of the internet. If it is necessary to reduce myself to one single intelligent idea for the unintelligent, generally the concept of a multi-cultural global Internet takes my mind more often than not, this is completely transparent.

Travel and the ability to experience the effect of other cultures has proven to be a good way of better understanding for those who wish to move. In terms of travel visiting different cultures is one way of both understanding the fluidity of conscious thought, other ideas and understanding what you have been raised with to get a better view. I personally recommend providing an image before leaving for those wishing to travel and are knowledgeable given experience, current cloud coverage and other moving ideas. This will clear hard blockers toward further knowledge along this path, poisoning of this well exempt. I'm waiting to see how this method moves. For those without the advantage of foresight, may we wish the fools the best of luck should they not turn home.

For those who posses an idea greater than that of the nation state this is both a non-issue and an issue given the current houses of definition that exist here. In some sense, ignorance below me, other intelligences aside and conscious intelligence above are driving factors in the release of this portrait at various levels to maintain thought from dubious, stupid and hostile impressions.

For those living in the lens of Globalism or Pluralism at the current moment, it is of my opinion that this form of global consciousness is inhabited by an old form of private thinking given old circumstances. Both this and the nation state are naturally currently at odds with the idea of the Internet and public as a core idea, more concrete here via experience of posts. As we live in a growing multi-cultural interconnected world both intelligence and physical arete are very real points to be considered here, current waves of thought are acting as sand for further ventures, foresight, research, experimentation, and engineering around globally decentralized public ledger systems, the internet and what can be accomplished with this, what has been tried. The movement of all bodies in this should be monitored to keep accurate tabs for future reference, at the current moment my generation is the only mindset to view into what is possible consciously given all factors.

There are subjects here who have strayed fairly far right and given threat of nuclear war as a major factor, arriving at Mars a main focus along with equally important issues like global warming. To ignore the right is stupid. People have sold fortunes for this. Even with this we still have to consider the factor that we are completely insane given rockets are being fired over nuclear reactors, staff at gun point. In terms of human necessity, this is a necessity.

Of general education, observation and science seems a good area of housing and general starting location for further roads given intelligent teaching without drills, other ideas superstitious or understanding can be integrated into this later. In terms of methods, currently I am experimenting with the concept of a golden lense after the above. Methods fully dependent on language can be controlled and manipulated stupidly given the human condition and methods on the right equally so without extensive travel. Random chance in conjunction with intelligence, study and travel has proven an incredibly good way to expand horizons and provide the concept of the White Rabbit for those who reject the drill. A method that cannot be controlled, manipulated, poisoned, and provides the user with a lense particular to themselves given they continue to take the chance, study and get lucky.

This allows for individualized expanding intelligence and given the ability to now drill AI fairly well, there is no need to do this to humans at extensive levels. For those who are bound by will or love, it is not possible to fully let an idea take over and entertainment is necessary within certain posts, if you have the freedom to fully & intelligently intake ideas I whole heartedly recommend it if you stumbled upon this article.

In the past as current, there has been an idea of newspapers, mothers, children, friends and lovers. To those of love this is a path, lens you can take. This idea and other branching ideas however have unexpected consequences, this well along with others have been poisoned beyond belief and constructed beyond belief in ways you have to imagine by most intelligence forces throughout history. The overarching idea driving these constructs need to be considered personally and thoughtfully if you decide to take this lens and it starts to become an issue, or if you encounter this created lens.

Currently I'm experimenting with my golden lense on Wikipedia and the I'm Feeling Lucky button to add random sense for expanding horizons along with travel, bird watching, my journals and occasional news. As an aside, I have been bound to the Free World as an idea, in both physical arete and intelligence it houses multiple cultures comfortably given realities of nuclear war, I'm open to getting innundated by other ideas but the arguments are fairly solid. This idea provides high will to a large amount of the current world.

To wrap up this entry, this being written in the State of California, viewing the flag, seal, portraiture may provide a good starting point of the culture that this is being written under. I am writing this over the period of a few days, 4 drafts, as I have other work that needs to be done, you can explore more about me, past movement or just email me for further transparency. This is being written because there have been problems in the past with pretty much everyone intelligence, foreign, tank, corporate and otherwise to stupid degrees.

Now it's possible for you to put this lens down and further continue along paths as normal.
